Family History
Any History of Weight Change?
Sleep History
Usual bedtime:
Usual wake up time:
Usual hours of sleep:
During sleep, does this patient:
Any abnormal movement during sleep?
Daytme Behavior and other possible problems:
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Bed Wetting: (Answer these questions ONLY if your child is over the age of 5 years.)
Hyper Activity/Inattention:
Teacher Observation:
Epworth Sleepiness Scale - Children
How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired? This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these things recently, think about how they would have affected you. Use the following scale to choose themost appropriate numbeer for each situation.
0 = would never doze or sleep
1 = slight chance of dozing or sleeping
2 = moderate chance of dozing or sleeping
3 = high chance of dozing or sleeping
Thank you for completing the questionnaire
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